Thought I'd post a review from Lazy Bones Studios' Ken Thomas that has been posted over on Facebook.
I asked for a non-spoiler review and Ken sure spades.
Cheers Ken....
WesterNoir by Dave West and Gary Crutchley. (Review)
I have always liked a good...
western.........and loved a great western. Which brings us to
WesterNoir. The hook was equally great between the Name as well as the
Cover Art. All that was left was to actually read it.
Many a
book are in my position with the intent to someday read. Unfortunate for
most in that they will remain in that state of promise as titles like
WesterNoir so easily claw their way to the front of the line.
To Mr. Crutchley & Mr. West I tip my hat in respect for a job not well done but rather extraordinarily so.
The tale WesterNoir is centered on a man, a hard man named Josiah
Black. Josiah has spent his life on both sides of right and wrong. Some
say Josiah's life has left his soul calloused with sin others say it is
like his name, black & dead. In spite of his rugged spit in your eye
disposition, it was always tempered with a sense of honor. A man of
honor always pays his matter how great. These things are the
essence of Josiah Black and are his driving force as that of the story.
This story works and plays out at a pace where you find yourself
anxious to finish and turn to the page. My only regret is that I only
have Book I and it has infected me with that itch, that question that
begs to be answered "What happens next?"
Bravo mates, Ken (Lazy Bones)
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