Monday, 16 January 2012

Josiah Black in Westernoir

Page 1 pencils
Page 2 pencils
Page 3 pencils

Alright, I'm back fer the new year and apart from everything else that's on the "to do" list, I've been asked by friends Dave West and Andy Bloor if'n I want to work on a new title for AccentUK.
It's a western (what else) in four issues, so obviously I said yes.
It'll be about 25-30 pages (not quite decided yet)
Got a bit of time off from the day job so decided to crack on with it and so far it's going OK, rather pleased with how its coming together.
I'm cracking on with Hard Country as well, half way through chapter 3, and I'm liking how that's going. There'll be more news later on in the year about Hard Country. Quite exciting news but I don't want to jinx it by announcing anything too soon.

In fact 2012 seems like it's gonna be a busy year.
I didn't have much published last year but it looks like I'm gonna have actually books on sale this year, which is a great feeling.
There'll be more Josiah Black stuff later on this week.


Andy Bloor said...

Looks bloody brilliant mate just like I thought it would!!!

Gary Crutchley said...

Cheers Andy, really appreciate the support. There'll be more to come in the following weeks

shane oakley said...

this is all looking tip-bloody-top, m'man. and those pages have such beat, mood and drama. gonna be a corker!