Sunday, 12 July 2009

Cousin of Death.

Sam Costello has let me know that the strip, Cousin of Death starts on his web comic Split Lip tomorrow.
Yup that's right folks, tomorrow. He's planning to change the schedule from Sundays to Mon.-Wed.-Fri.
So now you'll be able to read Sam's words as well as looking at the purty pictures.
I had a ball drawing it, and I hope you all have a good time reading it.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Project No 1

So here's the info of the first of 2 new projects that I have started.
You know me, I just can't say
NO to good material.
And let me just say from the start, that HELL's NAZIS is not just a good yarn..
Its a bloody corker of a tale.
Written by
John Halfpenny (and can you believe it, it's only his 2nd comic story he's written. The first is "the Master Cracksman" drawn by myowngoodself for AccentUK's Victorian anthology which will come out 2011 if'n I got me dates right.)
Hell's Nazis is a rip snorting WW2 romp in the comic style of that great British comic, Warlord.
I'm having a ball drawing it, it's got everything that I like to draw and John has even included a couple of extra touches, as a treat for me, I'm not going to say too much about it but, I will mention; sewers and tentacles.
What a nice obliging man he is.

So it'll be 10 pages, split into 2 parts and will be published in AccentUk's next zombie anthology.
(oh yes, there's going to be a sequel to the well received Zombie's book).

Here are a couple of panels from the 1st part of Hell's Nazis.
The commando is from page 1 and the zombies ( well it's going in a zombies book so you gotta have zombies) is from page 2.

I'm taking my time over this, savouring it in fact, (and I am working on another project at the same time remember, that'll I'll mention soon) so don't expect too many updates on this in the near future.

John and I have a specific look we want for this so I want to get everything right. Ok that's it for now, next time Project No 2.