Wednesday, 13 May 2009

pullin' me finger out

It's been so long I've posted that weeds are sprouting around here.
Anyway what's happening you ask?
Not too much I reply. Oh don't get me wrong there's plenty to do but it's a case of when art goes bad.
"The Master Cracksman" is done, as you can see from the inked panel. I'm pretty happy with and more importantly John's pleased with it, which is a big relief.
So I should be hard at Sam Costello's Split lip story, and I am, but it's all going slow.
There have been days when nothing is going right, the times I've screwed up a full page of art and started again.
Bloody frustrating.
But I'm optimistic , I'm getting close to finishing the pencils and next week I'm hoping to start inking.
I was going to ink it Manga Studio, a corkin' piece of software created especially to draw comics on a computer, but I'm not up to speed with it, so I'll stick with illustrator for this one.
Speaking of Sam, he's just been interviewed about Split Lip here;
And a good un it is to.
I start posting some sketches for Sam's script soon and there'll be a a bit of news soon.


Andrew Van Buren said...

Gary Like the Master Cracksman panel of art, looking good. Keep up the good work & see you in Sept when i get back. AVB

Gary Crutchley said...

Cheers Andrew.
Have a great show. I'll keep you seat warm till sept.