Monday, 6 November 2017

Bit of a chat.

So, i did an interview...well answered some questions actually
and you can read it here.

Many apologies I do ramble on a bit...but I've been doing this art gubbins a
fair few years.

Cheers y'all.

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Review of Book 2

We got ourselves another review from the Comic Vault.
This time for Book 2

Read it here y'all

A sinister swamp tale

Friday, 15 September 2017

WESTERNoir Book 8

Book 8 has landed at AccentUk headquarters all ready for Thought Bubble on 23rd-24th September.

It's the explosive ending to the second season (or story arc) and
it's so big a tale that we had to add more pages just to tell it (at no extra cost I might add).

To celebrate I thought I give y'all a treat and preview the first five pages...


Saturday, 19 August 2017

Another review

we got ourselves another review.

Go to it here and enjoy...

Monsters are real.

Thursday, 3 August 2017

Review time.

We got ourselves another review.
Not just WESTERNoir this time but Whatever Happened to the Fastest Man and Stephenson's Robot as well so all type of goodies to sample.

Here's the link...go an' have a looksee...y'all be glad ya did.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017


Four years it's taken to get to this point.

And if truth be told neither Dave nor I would have thought it was gonna happen.

But it has and here's the proof.

Eleven Books (including the trade that reprints the first four books...But to be fair
there is a new story included.)

So Book 8 is done and dusted, just waiting to go to the printers and then we're
half way through Josiah's tale.

                                             The cover to Book 4 in alla it's glory and without the text.
Book 9 will be delayed slightly because I'm working on something else...

It's taken over 30 years but I'm finally putting the finishing touches on a stand alone
graphic novel...

Won't say too much just now but it will take place in the WN universe.

Well happy trails Pilgrims..
.I'll try not to let too much time go by until the next post.

Tuesday, 28 February 2017

Copenhagen visit.

AccentUK attended this years Copenhagen Con that's held every two years.
Unfortunately I couldn't go but Dave and Colin kept me updated with the goings on and such
so I wouldn't miss out too much...
They had a terrific time as they always do, sold a heap of books and even
managed to place the WESTERNoir trade in FANTASK, Copenhagen's premier
comic shop...

And rather good they look too.